
OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 6,814
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) EAH Estimating Systems.
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 25/01/2005
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 2.50 MB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Free
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

Estimaster2 The Builders Estimating Program. A program well-suited to fit the needs of small construction and sub-contracting companies from all of the various trades.  Many estimating programs lack the versatility of Estimaster2 and have not successfully spanned the spectrum of various trades like Estimaster2 has. 


Program Description

The Builders Estimating Program.


Made by a Builder for the Builder.

Estimaster2 is a program well-suited to fit the needs of small construction and sub-contracting companies from all of the various trades.  Many estimating programs lack the versatility of Estimaster2 and have not successfully spanned the spectrum of various trades like Estimaster2 has.  With its various features and customization options, Estimaster2 ranks in the top ten among competitive estimating software products.

We've combined the Builders calculator into the main program. The data files are now that small you can fit 20-40 on a floppy making it easy to move or copy your Estimates from one computer to another.

"Do you have just a twinge of uneasiness when it comes to working on your computer?" With estimaster2 don't worry you can't spoil anything
Its robust and forgiving if you make a mistake.

To move from screen to screen there are two ways use the function keys F1-F5 or your mouse.

You can now make as many DEFAULT databases you like and shape them to your particular type of work.
No more having to update your database every year and throw money out the door.
Free Help the first year. And a ready to use Data Base file.
If you are not a Builder you may not need the Builders Calculator You can purchase estimaster2 without the Builders Calculator for a reduced price, but it can be added later on if needed.

Report To get a hard copy of your estimate click Report. The Information's filled in from the Job Info screen have been copied to here. To get a hard copy chose from the four reports and click Make Report. Then print.

Material Data file After the Estimate screen. This is where you maintain your Database file's.

Here you can ad, edit, the 'Job Info' screen when you first start the estimate. But make sure to do all alterations in your default data files and save them after alterations have been done. In here you can also merge two data files and update all prices by a % .

Task to be done here: There are two options in the way you estimate in estimaster2. Use the Builders calculator which will give you a report with quantities extracted auto. for you. Or you can go straight to the estimate screen and input your quantities. Read the help files.

Builders Calculator Fill in client details. Fill in Waste, Profit and Tax. Load database file. Save data file to clients name


Estimaster2 is a very basic construction estimating program.  It offers various customization options and is simple to navigate.  The program navigation is easier with each use of the software.  This is important for the builder who doubles as a part-time estimator and will not have constant experience with the software.  Although Estimaster2 lacks some of the convenient features found in top-of-the-line estimation software, it performs a straightforward, accurate estimation.  As a basic estimation program Estimaster2 easily meets the needs of small construction and sub-contracting companies.



Copyright 2002. EAH Estimating Systems.
Contact Erik Hansen 61 2 4283 8003 or mob. 0412 51 79 69
Po Box 2021 Woonona South 2517 NSW Australia

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CiviSoft Constructionline 3.02

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