Archon Steam Tables

OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 3,725
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) Archon Engineering, P.C.
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 04/11/2002
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 2.01 MB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Demo
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

โปรแกรม Archon Steam Tables

steam1.jpg (50344 bytes)


Steam Tables - (Metric and US units) This program provides the thermodynamic properties of water using IFC formulation for industrial use. Knowing any two properties, the user is able to completely define the properties of water/steam. Unlike most steam table programs, this program also provides the user with the point's location on the T-S diagram. Multiple points can be connected by a line, defining the user's process system. It even gives you the steam quality.

Archon's Steam Tables Program

This program provides the thermodynamic properties of water using IFC formulation for industrial use. Knowing any two properties, the user is able to completely define the properties of water/steam. Unlike most steam table programs, this program also provides the user with the point's location on the T-S diagram. Multiple points can be connected by a line, defining the user's process system. It even gives you the steam quality.

Price:    $40.00 US

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