
OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 1,704
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) PC Engineers
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 31/10/2002
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 127.67 KB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Demo
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

โปรแกรม Beam

beam1.gif (14765 bytes)


logo.bmp (2302 bytes)Beam -- This simple program uses finite element method to calculate forces, moments and support reactions for continuous beams.  Click mouse botton to play this program by adding a support, a load, or additional beam sections and see how the shear and moment diagrams interact. Version 2.0 (for licensed users only) can also calculate spring reactions.


Warning: PC Engineers have taken all the neccessary steps to ensure the programs work properly.   However, there is no guarantee the results are free of errors.  Design engineers shall verify the results!

logo.gif (1100 bytes)Download All PCE Demo Programs: setup.exe

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