
OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 3,570
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) All Purpose Software
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 17/11/2004
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 3.79 MB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Free
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

Watt-U-Use  Normally all the appliances in your household will run off the same voltage though the amperage and/or wattage may differ. Generally an electrical appliance will have the information you require either in the manual that came with the appliance or on the outside of its casing.  


General Description


Calculates by any two of wattage, voltage, amperage.  
Shows a comparison between the least and most expensive appliance.
Calculates cost per hour and cost per day for each appliance.
Calculates an estimate for the next utility bill. Shows your estimated energy bill for the month, quarter and year.
Lets you add any appliance (lights, stereo, washing machine etc).
Allows for any discounts or rebates on energy bills.
Calculates kilowatt hourly charge rates.
View, save and print report features.
Help features using built-in web form.
Fully customized with new, insert, edit and save functions.

Normally all the appliances in your household will run off the same voltage though the amperage and/or wattage may differ. Generally an electrical appliance will have the information you require either in the manual that came with the appliance or on the outside of its casing.

Voltage, watts and amps are directly related and it's important to understand how they work together, as having their respective values, enables calculations to be made in respect of electrical safety, running costs and consumption. For example, by having the amps and volts measurement, the wattage requirement of the appliance can be calculated, where by having the wattage and voltage can provide the amps rating. Watts (Watts = Voltage multiplied by Amperage)

A watt is a unit of electrical power and is used to measure the amount of power an appliance needs and consumes when working. A light bulb could be as low as 40 watts, where a washing machine could be as much as 3000 watts. Because wattage is a measure of electrical consumption, the cost of your electricity is calculated by it. The wattage on most household appliances are all different, so you change this for each item.

Just how much money that light left on all night costs?
Or that stereo that just seems to never stop playing from the kids room?
How about which of your household appliances contribute the most to your monthly energy bills?

Stop wondering!
'Watt-U-Use' has the answer to those endless arguments about who's using what and when. Our Watt-U-Use home energy calculator can show you the costs of running a variety of household appliances, so you can budget for your next utility bills.

What if the calculated amount does not equal my bill?

Please remember that the figures are estimates, based on your input. There are many variables -- weather, seasonality, appliance models and age, changes in household use, that impact your monthly usage. So it is unlikely that your results will exactly match your bill for any given month. If your totals appear inaccurate, please modify your input taking extra care to estimate the hours per month you use each appliance.

Still have more questions, or need help using the Watt-U-Use Calculator? Just click here.

'Watt-U-Use' is freeware. Thank you for trying 'Watt-U-Use'!

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