Supporting wall

OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 2,197
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) Teoria e Progetto delle
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 09/11/2004
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 760.21 KB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Free
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

โปรแกรม Support Wall   Software for Supporting wall - Shoulder from bridge


General Description

Profile of the generic land, sismica action (D.M. 16-1-96), plan armors

Muro di sostegno – Spalla da ponte

Versione 1.9  (20 ottobre 2004)

Profilo del terreno generico, azione sismica (D.M. 16-1-96), progetto armature

 Italian Software (Program in English language with glossario in Italian.)

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