
OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 1,390
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) Joshua F. Madison
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 09/11/2004
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 152.98 KB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Free
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

โปรแกรม Convert  is Freeware (even for commercial use), and as such, you should not have been charged to obtain this software. You may redistribute Convert as long as it is not modified in any way.


General Description

For the latest information regarding Convert, go to

If you find Convert useful, send me an email at [email protected]
letting me know what country you're from, and what you're using
it for.

Convert is Freeware (even for commercial use), and as such,
you should not have been charged to obtain this software.
You may redistribute Convert as long as it is not modified
in any way. Convert is provided "as is" and I can not be
responsible for any damage that may occur by using this
software. This includes the information contained in it.

* หากมีปัญหาในการติดตั้ง สอบถามได้ที่เว็บบอร์ดของ

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