PCASE Pavement Design

OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 8,068
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) PCASE
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 30/12/2002
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 99.18 MB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Free
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง) http://pavement.wes.army.mil/downloads/draft/pcasesetup208f.exe

โปรแกรม PCASE   The PCASE project was established to develop and provide computer programs for use in the design and evaluation of transportation systems.  PCASE programs include rigid and flexible airfield design by conventional and layered elastic methodologies, rigid and flexible road design, as well as railroad design and evaluation programs.



PCASE 2.0 capabilities:

Road pavement design
- Flexible pavement
- Rigid pavement
- Layered Elastic & CBR

Road pavement evaluation
- Flexible pavement
- Rigid pavement
- Unsurfaced areas
- Mat (Light, Medium, Heavy)
- Layered Elastic & CBR

Airfield pavement design
- Flexible pavement
- Rigid pavement
- Unsurfaced areas
- Mat (Light, Medium, Heavy)

Airfield pavement evaluation
- Flexible pavement
- Rigid pavement
- Unsurfaced areas
- Mat (Light, Medium, Heavy)

Aircraft classification number generation (ACN)
- Vehicle Editor (Need to evaluate or design a pavement for a specialty vehicle, then use our vehicle editor to build the vehicle)

Other Utilities
- Design Curve Generator
- Decision Tree Module

Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP)


All of the documents, that PCASE software is based on, can be found here.

newii.gif (152 bytes)Click here for Standard Practice Manuals

Click here for Air Force Handbooks

Click here for United Facilities Criteria (UFC) document listing

If the document needed is not available as a download, then you may call the Publication Depot at (301) 394-0081/0082/0083.

If the manual in need is a WES report then you may contact the WES Report Distribution Office at (601) 634-2571 DSN 446-2571

Airfield Pavement Evaluation Software 

newii.gif (152 bytes)UFC 3-260-3 (TI 826-01/AFMAN 32-1121V1 (I)/NAVFAC DM 21.7) "Airfield Pavement Evaluation"

Airfield Pavement Design Software

newii.gif (152 bytes) UFC 3-260-2 (EI 02C014/AFJMAN 32-1014/NAVFAC DM 21.10) "Pavement Design for Airfields"

Road Design Software (Emperical)

Army Technical Manual TM 5-822-5 "Pavement Design For Roads, Streets, Walks, and Open Storage Areas

Road Design Software (Layered Elastic Method) (Software Not Yet Released)

TM 5-822-13 "Pavement Design for Roads, Streets, and Open Storage (Layered Elastic Method)"

Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) / Electric Cone Penetration (ECP) Software

DCP - WES Instruction Report GL-92-3 and FM 5-430-00-2/AFJPAM 32-8013, VOL II (No Link Available)

ECP - WES Technical Report GL-94-17 (No Link Available)

Aircraft Characteristics ETL 110-3-394 Software

ETL 110-3-394 Engineering and Design - Aircraft Characteristics for Airfield-Heliport Design and Evaluation

Subsurface Drainage EI 02C202

EI 02C202 Subsurface Drainage for Pavements


Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering PCASE ETL 1110-3-XXXX


Standard Practice Manuals
Standard Practice Manual For Rigid Pavements(UFC 3-250-02) Draft
Standard Practice Manual For Flexible Pavements
(UFC 3-250-03)

Air Force Joint Handbooks

Asphalt Maintenance & Repair
Asphalt Crack Repair
Concrete Crack & Partial Depth Spall Repair
Concrete Repair
Paver - Asphalt Surfaced Airfields - PCI
Paver - Concrete Surfaced Airfields - PCI

* Note: The UFC numbers, a universal numbering system now adopted for tri-service (Army, Air Force and Navy) manuals,  are now being displayed along side the individual service numbers (where applicable).

DISCLAIMER - These programs are furnished by the Government and are accepted and used by the recipient with the express understanding that the United States Government makes no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, usability, or suitability for any particular purpose of the information and data within these programs or furnished in connection therewith, and the United States shall be under no liability whatsoever to any person by reason of any use made thereof. These programs belongs to the Government. Therefore, the recipient further agrees not to assert any proprietary rights therein or to represent them to anyone as other than Government programs.

Please read * If you have already downloaded and installed the 2.02 baseline, then you only need to download the patch to fully update your PCASE software.

Note: The patch will not update any previous versions of PCASE prior to 2.02

This version will not run on Windows 95, and support for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.x  Ends July 2003

PCASE Patch/Update Note: You must install the above baseline file FIRST

PCASE 2.03 Patch (1.2 MBytes) 5.December.2002 Download Site 1 - Vicksburg
Download Site 2 - CRREL
Download Site 3 - Orlando
PCASE 2.04 Patch  20 December 2002 Coming Soon

Email the Customer Support Center
E-mail: [email protected]

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