Pentagon 3D

OS: (ระบบปฏิบัติการ) Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP
Downloads: (จำนวนครั้ง) 2,761
Company: (บริษัท, ชื่อ) Femsoft
Date added: (วันที่ลง) 08/11/2002
File size: (ขนาดไฟล์) 3.03 MB
Quality: (คุณภาพ)
License: (ชนิดไฟล์) Free
User Rating: (คะแนนจากผู้ใช้)
Mirror: (ลิงค์สำรอง)

โปรแกรม PENTAGON 3D  PENTAGON3D is a finite element analysis program for 3D continuum problems including tunnels, earth retaining structures, structural mechanics and seepage flow etc.

Figure. Subway tunnel and station shaft intersection. The diameter of shaft is almost 45m and the width of subway tunnel is about 22m. To reduce the construction stages, the load distribution method is utilized. The above result represents the horizontal displacement. In this model, the longitudinal behavior of the tunnel due to shaft excavation is investigated.


PENTAGON3D is a finite element analysis program for 3D continuum problems including tunnels, earth retaining structures, structural mechanics and seepage flow etc. It has various elements such as solid (4, 6, 8, 16, 20-nodes), interface, shell (3, 4-nodes), frame (2-nodes), truss (2-nodes) and spring (2-nodes) elements. It can model about 3,000 to 8,000 8-node solid elements in 32 Mbyte RAM and 14,000 to 30,000 elements in 128Mbyte RAM. Model size can be enlarged with RAM size. Models: linear-elastic, Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, general anisotropic, orthotropic, transversely isotropic, hyperbolic, ubiquitous joint and EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) are available to model soil, rock and other construction materials. Available load conditions are point load, surface pressure, body force, prestress, and distributed residual force. Any type of element can be added, removed and changed of its material at any construction stage and seepage stage. Seepage analysis is availble as the excavation and embankment stages process.

Darcy flow is available for the confined/unconfined flow and the saturated/unsaturated flow. Boundary conditions such as head difference, pumping, evaporation and precipitation are available. Boundary conditions can be modified at any stage. The hydraulic gradient can be coupled with the mechanics as a form of seepage force. The pre-processors, PENTMESH and THREEDIM can be used to >

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