arc |
ส่วนของวงกลม |
arch |
โค้งตั้ง |
relieving arch |
โค้งผ่อนแรง |
Brass |
(english) An alloy that is 70% copper,30% zinc. One of the most widely used of the copper-zinc alloys; malleable and ductile; excellent cold-working but poor hot-working and machining properties; excellent for soft-soldering; good for silver alloy brazing or oxyacetylene welding, but fair for resistance or carbon-arc welding. Used for drawn cartridges, tubes, eyelets machine items and snap fasteners. |
Rotation: |
(english) Motion of an object where the path of every point is a circle or circular arc. A rotation is defined by a point and vector which determine the axis of rotation. The direction of the vector is the direction of the axis and the magnitude of the vector is the angle of rotation. |
Refuse derived fuel (RDF) |
(Environmental Engineering) A fuel derived from the combustible portion of municipal solid waste. The fuel is often processed into small briquettes, similar in size to charcoal. |
Architectural design - |
an activity that attempts to layout the module "floor plan" for the software |
Architecture - |
(Software Engineering) the overall structure of software components, the data and/or content that components manipulate, and the relationships between them |
Factoring - |
(Software Engineering) a technique that distributes control and work in a top-down manner within a software architecture (used a part of structured analysis) |
Functional decomposition - |
(Software Engineering) a technique used during planning, analysis and design; creates a functional hierarchy for the software |